Monday, April 22, 2013


करवटें बदलता हूँ तो हौले से...
मुस्कुराती है वो, गुनगुनाती है
"क्यूँ सपनों में देखते हो मुझे
जो मैं तुमसे हूँ, तुम्हारी हूँ?"
आखें मिचमिचाते..उन्घियाते
जो मैं उठता हूँ...
उसे छूने की, पाने की कोशिश करता हूँ
चुपके से हौले से
मेरी पलकों को सहला के
मुझको जगा के
वो छिप जाती है कहीं...

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Of love and this world

Come on people of the world
Gather around and hold my hand
Take my hand, take his hand
and take her hand....
Take my hand, take my hand, take my hand, take my hand

Is everyone holding hands..?
Lets sing together!

"Love knows no religion no boundary no race
'Coz love flows all the time and love goes all the place
In your heart, in his heart in her heart In my heart..
Love flows all the time..........
Love goes all the place............."

Love was here when we were not here
and Love will be here when we are gone
It is the truth and the truth is love
Love is eternal and love is the one
'Coz .....

"Love knows no religion no boundary no race
'Coz love flows all the time and love goes all the place
In your heart, in his heart in her heart In my heart..
Love flows all the time..........
Love goes all the place............."

Why do we love them and not them?
Why do we discriminate or despise them?
Why don't we love everybody the same?
Why don't we love everybody the same?
When love knows no religion no boundary no race
And love flows all the time and love goes all the place?

Close your eyes.. and listen to me
Carefully, all the people..carefully!

Picture a world where love is the only feeling
In every thought, in all everything
Love in government and family and friendship
Love in science and economics...
Love between countries, Love in the UN
Love in the universe and love in Heaven...

How does it feel? Good, eh?
Then open your eyes and sing together...

"Love knows no religion no boundary no race
'Coz love flows all the time and love goes all the place
In your heart, in his heart in her heart In my heart..
Love flows all the time..........
Love goes all the place............."

So, lets give love to all and all and all
lets give love to all and all and all.....

PS: I intend to compose a song around this.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


पंख लगे अरमानों से
ये प्रश्न मेरा मन करता है..
"हर रोज़ किधर को उड़ता है?
किस ओर तुझे है जाना रे!"

पंख लगे अरमान मेरे
हर बार यही दोहराते हैं
"वो देख क्षितिज तेरे सपनों का
उस पार है मेरा ठिकाना रे!"

पंख लगे अरमान मेरे
मुस्काते हैं, इतराते हैं
मैं सोच में फिर पड़ जाता हूँ
वो सोच परे उड़ जाते हैं.