Farewells, farewells and more farewells....
Yeah, all to remind you, 'It is time to say Goodbye!' In the last 4 days, I attended two farewell parties, one by Maurya Vihar (by the juniors of Bihar and Jharkhand), another by Sangam,another cultural association. Both the farewells were nice, but I liked the former one more, the MV farewell, and I owe a few words to it.
The MV farewell was scheduled to start at about 8:15, though I had started the proceedings well before. Dressed in a white shining shirt and a black jeans with casual shoes, I was all smiles. I clicked a few fotos and gathered all my friends for the same.Finally, the moment arrived at 9:30 when I was escorted by all the friends and 2 juniors to the farewell. It was organized for me and my fellow student Shobha. The program started with the formal introduction and then Shobha's write up and souvenir giving.. And then as Raku(Rakesh Kumar) began with my write up, I started thinking of my seniors' farewells, where I would listen to their write ups with such attention and enthusiasm, I said to myself,
This is my turn!:) .
The most exciting part of a BITSIAN farewell is the
write up. We seem to know too much about ourselves, yet to hear what others have to say about us arouses excitement in us. Your best of the friends writing things about you and your college life, the incidents when you proved yourself to be the biggest fool on earth and you wanted to forget them so much, the memories of the stage performances that you will always want to be mentioned when people say about you, and most importantly, those minute things that remain unsaid. Everything said and said in plenty(read exaggeration) gives you the ultimate thrill :) . "He used to sit behind the girls and sing songs to impress them....." . "He used to copy assignments from others and get more marks than his fellow who wrote the codes themselves...." " He says the worst shayaris (2/4 line verses in Urdu/Hindi) , that too in the mess! " These are not things to be proud of, or to be very happy about, yet there is some sensation that crawls through your body when you hear them! Now you get to know, your friends certainly know about you a bit more than you do. You feel happy because somebody has observed something in you that you never bothered to. Every single word said about you sits into your heart.
The next part of the farewell is a the
farewell speech. BITSIANS do not generally prepare any farewell speeches, they just say something (the something is not that attractive). So, I prepared a small farewell speech and memorized it very vaguely, after all I am a BITSIAN too :). I spoke things about the write up, the 4 years of my college life, and about MV. I also shared a few words about my friends. Finally, I thanked my faculty members, parents and everyone who had affected my life in some way. I wished to say a few words about 2 very special persons of my life, my soul mate and my love. But I did not, I don't know why! May be, I am waiting for a bigger platform, yeah, they are that close to me!
Then it was my turn to receive the memento from Prof Chandrashekhar. As exptected, I was requested (read it asked) to sing a song, but what came as a surprise was Prof Chandrashekhar requesting for Teri Dewani :) . I have no clue how many times have I sung that song! The dinner conclude with a delicious dinner, and then cracking foto session. Fotos with friends, juniors..it was fun.One of my juniors said, "
Bhaiya, aap senti kyun nahi ho rahe hain?" (Bhaiya, why are'nt you feeling sentimental?) ,he probably wanted me to be a bit sad.People think of farewells as a very sentimental program, but I don't know, I could not motivate myself enough to get my eyes wet.
As I wait for another two farewells, The Computer Science Association Farewell and the most awaited by any BITSIAN, the Diro's Party (The Director's Party to all the passing out students), I remember my seniors' words, 'Don't worry too much about things, just
Live your life.' Now I understand very clearly, what they really wanted to say. Without doubt, college(hostel) life is one unforgettable experience for every student. You learn now only your courses, but far more than that.
You learn about YOU. You make the best friends and sometimes, fortunately,you find someone special to carry on with further in your life. Now when its the time to say Goodbye, I feel myself chocked. I know I am going to miss every single bit of this place. Its air, its scorching heat and the bone chilling colds, the redis, the small kutti hostel rooms, Temple,Shivji,SKY,C'not, GYM G,ANC, SAC ...the list goes infinitely long.Above all, I will miss my friends :( . I would say just this :
Once a BITSIAN, Forever a BITSIAN ....